Looking for nice sticker design for your lorry? Most businesses strive to optimise the resources they have in hand. It's a great idea to make your lorry a moving advertising board for your business.
This is our standard 6 Wheeler Lorry. Our customer chose to buy a bonded Aluminium Box for its lorry. This is most commonly used in all types of businesses, as it provides shades and protection for goods. No need to be worried about rain and theft when the lorry is parked at the roadside.
New Isuzu NPR81UKH, BDM 7,500kg
- 16.5ft original wheelbase body
~ 135ps@2,600rpm
~ 372Nm@1,600rpm
Body Specification:
~16.5ft Aluminium Box Body
~Total 6 doors
~Direct 3.0mm Steel Cheq Plate Flooring or to be customised to any other flooring type at your choice
~1 row eTrack (tie-rack)
~Body Paint: FOC color at your choice
~FOC Airfoil

Need more information? We are here at PJCT, drop by our showroom to come and visit us!
🚩Our Location:
Lot 7, Zon Perindustrian PJCT
Jalan 51A/225A, Seksyen 51a
46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
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